Estaba privado de libertad por el asesinato del adolescente, Gabriel Lezama de 16 años, ocurrido el 23 de julio de 2017.
Para lograr esta liberación fraudulenta los familiares de Andrés Arrieche, habría negociado con la juez suplente Yuliyen del juicio 2, presuntamente habría solicitado la cantidad de 5 mil dólares, lo cual lo familiares vendieron unas máquina de coser industrial, alcanzando solo reunir 4 mil dólares que fueron entregados a la juez, quedando debiendo 1. Mil dólares
Esta relación económica presuntamente con dicha narco banda policial, le habría permitido mediar ante la juez de juicio 4, la abogada MARIUSKA ZOZAYA y la defensa publica la abogada lisandra,, quien tambien recibio su tajata en dolares
Según fuentes de inteligencia habría recibido de la narco banda criminal, la cantidad de 100. Mil dólares, un 10% quedo presuntamente en manos de la juez Yuliyen, por gestionar ante la juez de control 4, le diera el beneficio de la libertad a los Oficiales; Richard Rafael Vásquez Rattia de Rango Oficial Agregado, Jesús Andrés Narváez Díaz, Francisco José y el oficial José Ramón Arismendi Marcano, por la ejecución extrajudicial de Luis Armando Urbano de 21 electricista del automóvil, sin ningún antecedente policial y menos penal,
La juez 4 de juicio la ABG, MARIUSKA ZOZAYA, se extralimito en sus funciones en la denegación de justicia desestimando la investigación de la fiscalía general de la república y violando la constitución en su
Artículo 29 El Estado estará obligado a investigar y sancionar legalmente los delitos contra los derechos humanos cometidos por sus autoridades.
Las acciones para sancionar los delitos de lesa humanidad, violaciones graves de los derechos humanos y los crímenes de guerra son imprescriptibles.
Las violaciones de derechos humanos y los delitos de lesa humanidad serán investigados y juzgados por los tribunales ordinarios.
Dichos delitos quedan excluidos de los beneficios que puedan conllevar su
impunidad, incluidos el indulto y la amnistía.
Esta libertad
concedida de manera ilegal significa, el asesinato de varios testigos y
defensores que aportaron para que fueran llevados a la justicia y penalizados
el grupo criminal de la policía de sotillo de la ciudad de puerto la cruz
"JUDGE of trial 4 order release of fantastic 4 cop death As announced in an earlier note the mediation of Judge Yuliyen of trial 3, who would have permanent contact with members of the fantastic death 4, as she allegedly received $4 thousand for setting her free tad On October 1, 2021, at Cop Andrés Arrieche Dunu He was deprived of liberty for the murder of 16-year-old Gabriel Lezama, which occurred on July 23, 2017. To achieve this fraudulent release the relatives of Andrés Arrieche, would have negotiated with the substitute judge Yuliyen of trial 2, allegedly had requested the amount of $ 5 thousand, which the family sold a sewing machine industrial, reaching only 4 thousand dollars that were handed over to the Judge, staying at Owing 1. One thousand dollars This economic relationship allegedly with that narco police gang, would have allowed him to mediate before the judge of trial 4, the lawyer Mariuska Zozaya and the public defense lawyer lisandra, who also received his tajata in dollars According to intelligence sources he had received from the narco criminal gang the amount of 100. A thousand dollars, 10% allegedly remained in the hands of Judge Yuliyen, for managing before the control judge 4, would give the benefit of freedom to the Officers; Richard Rafael Vásquez Rattia of Aggregated Official Rank, Jesus Andrés Narváez Diaz, Fr Elder Jose and the Officer Jose Ramón Arismendi Marcano, for the extrajudicial execution of Luis Armando Urbano 21 electrician of the car, without any police history and less criminal, Judge 4 of the ABG trial, MARIUSKA ZOZAYA, is extremely limited in her duties in the denial of justice dismissing the investigation of the Attorney General of the republic and violating the constitution in its Article 29 The State shall be obliged to investigate and legally punish crimes against human rights committed by its authorities. Actions to sanction crimes against humanity, serious violations of human rights and war crimes are unspeakable. Human rights violations and crimes against humanity will be investigated and tried by ordinary courts. These crimes are excluded from the benefits that may entail their impunity, including pardon and amnesty. , This freedom illegally granted means, the murder of several witnesses and defenders who contributed to be brought to justice and penalized the criminal group of the police of the city of port la cross".
JUEZ de juicio 4 ordena la libertad de los 4 fantástico de la muerte de polisotillo Como se habría anunciado en una...
Posted by Prodefensa Derechos Humanos Internacional on Tuesday, October 4, 2022
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